Mainstream e-commerce platforms health product reached 45.26 billion yuan
Keyword: E-commerce platforms, Health product, 45.26 billion yuan

According to the white paper on the development of China's great health consumption in 2019 released by health alliance with Nandou and iResearch consulting on January 17, the consumption growth of health products on mainstream e-commerce platforms is steadily, with the sales volume reaching 45.26 billion yuan in 2019. 

People in the workplace are the main consumers of health care products to relieve fatigue. According to the popular search keywords on JD platform, the most common input was anti-fatigue and anxiety. Anti-fatigue health care products, such as protecting the heart and liver, helping sleep and enhancing immunity, have attracted much attention.

Among them, coenzyme Q10 related to the regulation of three high, anti-fatigue, heart protection were quietly popular on the platform of JD and has been selected as one of the top ten single products of the year.

Sourec: China Economic Com.

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