Super Fruits' Benefits on Chronic Diseases's Prevention

Dr. Yi Zhe, Centre of Nutrition and Metabolism, Institute of Nutrion and Health of COFCO, gave a report on CNIC 2013. Besides used in food and beverages for its antioxidants, berries may prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers, nervous and cognitive diseases, he said. 

The polyphenols, antioxidants and its metabolites in berry show the benefits of antioxidation, antiinflammatory and cell regulation in vitro and vivo tests. Berries and their extracts exhibit benefits of antioxidation, lipid management and platelet modulation, but more larger randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trails are needed. Besides this, Berry's many other benefits still need more studies' support, said Dr. Yi Zhe.

Copyright:Herbridge Media

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