ConbaGroup donates 21M RMB for Sichuan earthquake


   ConbaGroup have raised the cash and drugs value for 21 million RMB to support the Sichuan earthquake.After the ConbaGroup got sichuan disaster news,the company contact the red cross society ,conveyed the intention of conbaGroup want to do what they can for the disaster.

13th May ,ConbaGroup confirmed the first batch of antibiotics valued 4.3Million RMB.

14th May,ConbaGroup launch all the emloyees to donate for sichuan,collected more than 0.7Million RMB.the money has been transport by Zhejiang civil administration .

15th May, the first batch of drugs have sent to sichuan mianyang by special train.

16th May,ConbaGroup got the news that the antibiotics drug was extremely needed,ConbaGroup donate the drugs valued 15million RMB through Conba Charity Foundation.



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